Тема: Мошенничество.
В последнее время очень часто стали всплывать случаи мошенничеситва со стороны русского комьюнити в торибаше.
[BtC]Bes забанен за фарминг
Владкасл, украв акк Вентодекса, рассылает подставной сайт для кражи аккаунтов.
WARNING: Fake Toribash Scamming Sites
Hi Bashians,
We have a new wave of fake Toribash site links being spread around, by certain disgusting users with no self respect or decency.
Please pay attention to the links you are clicking on when you follow someone's link. If it is NOT http://forum.toribash.com/Linkstuff, then please do NOT log in there. You are likely to be throwing your username and password into the hands of a thief.
One of the links we have run into so far is listed below. It was being linked out by a user called Ventodex (Who is possibly several other users at once) DO NOT FOLLOW THIS LINK. IT IS AN EXAMPLE ONLY
Please be vigilant, and PM an Admin or Supermod when you are given a link like that, and who gave it to you and where. Information like this will help us put a stop to these users and keep the Toribash community a safer and more enjoyable place to play.
If you feel that your password has been compromised, log into your Toribash user control panel and update it at once, and make sure all your other information is correct.
Help you Help us Help us all.
Такие события очень сильно омрачают репутацию русских торибашеров. Обсуждаем.