Тема: [RuKeepers]Dj Event
[align=centerMix the new Toribash song!
Use virtual Dj or any Dj program
This song must be in your Mix:
You can post only 1 Mix
Your Mix must be 3 minute or longer
No hacking Mix or stealing Mix
You can get any song for Mixing
Judges: DJ Micu,DJ Stazis,DJ Kristis133,DJ Marci4
We listen to creativity,tone,other effects
We will critize the three things from 1 to 100
so you can get Maximum 300point/judge
who get the most points will get a 40k
who get the second most points will get 20k
Good luck!Disco DJ's[/align]
Вс голосуем за наш трек парни!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
http://file.qip.ru/file/116272845/19164 … Track.html вотон трек