Тема: Раздача ~5000 TC~
Раздаю тк.
[color=red]Фонд: -35000 tc[/color]
Требования к форумчанам: Не менее 50 постов на форуме.
1)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Slko
2)You've sent 5000 toricredits to MrKoza
3)You've sent 5000 toricredits to lambada
4)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Anazir
5)You've sent 5000 toricredits to ChrisDakota
6)You've sent 5000 toricredits to DelMoR
7)You've sent 5000 toricredits to PbI6A4OK
8)You've sent 5000 toricredits to nts
9)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Andrstar
10)You've sent 5000 toricredits to CkyToH
11)You've sent 5000 toricredits to [u]Hecter[/u]
12)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Artegr
13)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Slava1995
14)You've sent 5000 toricredits to azok
15)You've sent 5000 toricredits to nPocToCawa
16)You've sent 5000 toricredits to stingers
17)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Pa360uHuk
18)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Pion6r
19)You've sent 5000 toricredits to MaXoN
20)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Matrosik12
21)You've sent 5000 toricredits to USB
22)You've sent 5000 toricredits to xanAlex
23)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Korvin
24)You've sent 5000 toricredits to SouLFiX
25)You've sent 5000 toricredits to FighterKHV
26)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Demon
27)You've sent 5000 toricredits to Shlyapo
Всего раздал: 135000 tc

ICQ 748747