Тема: Отпишись и получи итем ,2)
Сча раздаюца:[spoiler][s]Acid Blood[/s]\ [s]Acid DQ[/s] \[s]Acid Emote Color[/s] \[s]Acid force[/s]\ [s]Acid Ghost[/s] \[s]Acid Grip Color\[/s] [s]Acid Left Hand Motion Trail[/s]\ [s]Acid Primary Gradient[/s]\[s]Acid relax[/s] \[s]Acid Right Hand Motion Trai[/s]l\ [s]Acid Right Leg Motion Trail[/s]\ [s]Acid Secondary Gradient[/s]\[s] Acid Timer[/s]\ [s] Acid Torso[/s]\ [s]Acid User Text[/s] \[s] Azurite Ghost[/s] \ [s]Ecto Force[/s] \ [s]Mysterio Relax[/s]\ [s]ORC force [/s] [s]Persian User Text[/s]\ [s]Shaman Force [/s][s]\Toxic Blood[/s] [s]Typhon Relax[/s] [s]Typhon Relax[/s] [s]Tyrian Relax\[/s] [s]Velvet Timer[/s]\ [s]Viridian Blood[/s] \[s]Viridian Relax[/s] \[s]Viridian Relax[/s]\ [s]Vulcan Relax[/s]\=)[/spoiler]
2 итема на 1 ак(мульты незя)
Псланые итемы:[spoiler]Sent Acid Blood to toripro25
Sent Acid Secondary Gradient to toripro25 Sent Acid Grip Color to MaXoN
Sent ORC force to MaXoN Sent Acid User Text to Pa360uHuk
Sent Velvet Timer to Pa360uHuk Sent Shaman Force to OTRO
Sent Viridian Relax to OTRO Sent Acid relax to Huszti
Sent Vulcan Relax to Huszti Sent Acid force to Neji1
Sent Azurite Ghost to Neji1 Sent Viridian Blood to monolith3 Sent Acid Torso to USB
Sent Ecto Force to nPocToCawa
Sent Typhon Relax to nPocToCawa
Sent Mysterio Relax to Hector и nPocToCawa Sent Tyrian Relax to USB(надеюсь)
Sent Toxic Blood to iLLepidus
Sent Acid Primary Gradient to monolith3
Sent Viridian Relax to Defcon
Sent Acid DQ to Shlyapo
Sent Persian User Text to Shlyapo
Sent Acid Left Hand Motion Trail to NeytralMay
Sent Acid Right Hand Motion Trail to NeytralMay
Sent Acid Ghost to EgO22
Sent Acid Left Leg Motion Trail to mixser666
Sent Acid Right Leg Motion Trail to mixser666
Sent Acid Timer to xanAlex
Sent Typhon Relax to Demon
Sent Acid Emote Color to FighterKHV[/spoiler]
кто успел тот и забрал)
чтоб небыло флуда и тп >>[size=14][color=blue]итем шлю таму кто написал его первый)[/color][/size]
ПЛИЗ невыбирать самые норм итемы>>например 2 форса,2 блуда)
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