Тема: Toribash 4.5
4.5 Change Log
Default replays have been updated and changed.
New BGM has been added, thanks to Tmmrw. https://soundcloud.com/tmmrw
[REL] Atmospheres Script has been installed. Just type in /atmo to open the Atmospheres Menu. http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=162608
New hi-res head textures for Tori, Uke, Player 3 and Player 4.
Some sound effects have been changed.
Added a hi-res ground texture.
Added player list icon.
Added community made shaders to the game. There are now 80 shaders to play with.
Remade the Toribash Game Manual.
Toribash screenshots, icons, logos, wallpapers and a blurb for the game has been put into the “Extra Content” folder inside the Toribash game folder. The TORIBASH Game Design Document has been put in there too.
Added "4.5" (the game version number) to the main menu art.
Новые текстуры тори и юка. Уже бы конкурс какой-то запилили и сдела ли бы в том же стиле но не такие кривые.
Игрок 3 и Ирок 4? Первый раз слышу о таком. Может кто знает зачем это?
Радует, что в дефолтных реплеях есть Дуня
И еще заметил, что у Нутхуга джоинты 512.