Тема: ToriWorld Event
Using the mystical power of the soul of the Universe, called Core Embryo, Hampa, the Supreme Being, has made a utopian planet hidden in another dimension, ToriWorld.
Small, unforeseen discharge during the creation of such world formed a crackle in the Space-Time continuum connecting that dimension with another one, the antithesis of ToriWorld.
That gateway is called Rift, and it can never be closed.
…And dark things lurk beyond it…
This is the Year One of the ToriWorld. The beginning.
This is the story of the first collision of ToriWorld‘s dwellers and things from the Rift.
It is your story. Enjoy.
Map of the known ToriWorld.
This is the place that has been formed first and it’s not much explored. During this game we will be focused on the part of ToriWorld around Hampa-Fortress.
This is the most important part of this game! Check the map page regularly for notifications of new tournaments and quests!
Whenever there is something new on the map, page will be bumped!
This game is played on two stages: on Forum and in Toribash video game.
On forum you have access to the map on which you will get visual notifications about quests and tourneys.
Together with visual notifications you will also have textual descriptions about quests and tournaments that will took place on the known map of the ToriWorld.
Map is made for immersing you in the game, and you can consider it as a sort of notice board.
In time this map will have more features, since as the game progress it will be possible to travel, gain territories, build and much more…
Anyone who played some RPG game knows what the quest is.
It is a task that you must solve and that will define you as a character and have small or big impact on the world around you.
Some quest will be strictly forum based, some will be solved in game, and some will be mix of both.
You can consider quests as events that we have on Event Thread, but these entire events circle around the same theme – ToriWorld.
They don’t differ much from the regular tourneys that GMs make, but they do have one distinctive future: they are story driven and have some special rules.
Logically, they take part in Toribash video game.
How is this game played?
We came to the crucial question: how to play this game? Let’s start with some rules and codes…
[spoiler=рулз/кодес, ч0]
First: Any clan can participate in it. Any individual can also participate in it. It is a game for the whole community, and you can play it solo or as a clan.
Second: Only 2 (two) clan representatives can participate on tournaments. They are considered as a team, like in racing, you have a bigger chance to win tournament as a team. This is important since your clan can win Toriclan Points on these tournaments! Naturally, players that are not in clan don’t have this restriction, but individuals can’t team-up for tournaments.
Third: Quests can be resolved as a team of 2 (two) clan members, or as an individual player, or you can even team-up with someone to resolve the quest. Opposite of the tournaments that are free for all, to be able to participate in quest you must first apply for it. Order of application is very important since quests have limited number of free slots!
Forth: To be able to participate in quests, first you must win some tournament! Winning a tourney will transfer your character status from unknown to champion. Transferring to champion status will grant you ability to participate in quests, you will get your character icon (for forum), your character story (for the story driven tournaments), your inventory (for items) and your first experience points! By solving quests and earning experience points you will be able to gain another status: Hero. Common players can enter events, but to do that they will always have to pay entry fee, and they will not have inventory, not they will gain experience points, They still get prizes by winning the event.
Addition: If one of two players from the same clan win tournament they both became champions! Champion can only have 2 items in his inventory. Hero can have unlimited items in his inventory.
Fifth: By winning tournaments and solving quests your clan will get ToriClan points and your character will gain experience points. With these experience points you will be able to ‘buy’ some items that can help you in game, on map or during quests. ToriWorld Items are not Toribash items, they are represented with card images and they are part of your champion/hero inventory!
Sixth: ToriWorld items have many uses in-game and during quests, and they can be bough with experience points. But keep in mind that to be able to gain Hero status you must accumulate enough experience points. Only Heroes can have large impact on the ToriWorld; with their actions/deeds, they are shaping the Story!
Seventh: Your character can die during the game. When that happens you will lose all your experience and items gained during the game. But, don’t worry; you can revive your character using TC! Depending on how much TC you use for resurrection determines how much experience you will get back. It also applies to number of items you possessed before dying.
Eighth: When you complete event or win special tournaments you will be presented with 2 (two) choices. One is always good, and other is (almost) always bad, but it will not be explained to you which choice has light or dark consequences. Listen to your heart…
Ninth: Event and tourney rooms in-game are working by system: first came - first served. When the room is opened in game, tourney will start when its filled with enough number of players or after some waiting time, determined by host. Events that are working by ‘’apply to play’’ system have limited time of accepting applications or they accept applications until all spots for that event are filled. Be informed, check the MAP & QUESTS PAGE of the game regularly if you don’t want to be late or miss something.
Ten: All standard in game and forum rules apply. Don’t break these rules or you will be infracted/banned.
When you go on the thread with the ToriWold map on it, you will find visual notifications about tournaments. These notifications will also have textual explanations of the rules, mods in use, time and date of the tourney, back-story, etc; same thing applies for the quests.
Then is up to you will you participate.
As you win tournaments and improve your character status you will be able to affect the global story about ToriWorld Year One through quests. You will gain better prizes and some options to do different stuff on the map. As time progress the game will be more and more complicated, you will have more control over it, you will affect some aspects of the game.
Object of this game is to avert (or bring about) the creature invasion from the Rift. That means you can do good or bad things in this game, with your choices you will either help the side of light (Torian) or dark (Volian).
Story should finish with the happy end but it is not written in stone that it will play out that way. Your actions as an individual or as a clan will decide what will really happen in the end.
During this game we will have two scales. Scale of light will be filled every time when the quest is finished by the victory of the good side (Torian) and scale of dark will fill with every bad quest ending (Volian). It will also be filled when you choose one of two presented choices at the end of some quests/special tournaments. Depending which scale is more filled, story will change its course toward the good or bad ending.
So, you follow notifications on map, you play tournaments and do quests, you win some prizes and ToriClan points, you affect the story and in the meantime have fun, which this game is all about – to have fun![/spoiler]
Tip: Champions pay only 25% of entry free (for events that have entry fee), common people pay full amount!
Tip: you will be sent to [fl0w] DSC on special thread for game related questions.
This game is brought to you by 8OJ4N and clan [fl0w],
Special thanks to Game Masters & Clan Events Team for their help, support and sponsorship.
[color=blue][size=18]ГЛАВНАЯ ТЕМА[/size][/color]

Сигна была больше размером, чем можно. Пофиксил. ~Fesh