Тема: неактив.
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 0
Delete of nonactive users
Dear fighter! The enormous amount of players (more than 1.5 miliona man) appeared, administration of game purges, deletes all of nonactive registration records of users. By the most comfortable method for this purpose there is a cheat in a password. You are under an obligation in the period of 24 hours after the receipt
of this report to change the password on 1cgm372tbpl.
-Changing of password takes a place to address: http://forum.toribash.com/profile.php?do=editpassword
-After it in a flow 12 hours I, as a representative of administration, will send to you the personal report after which your password automatically will be replaced on primary.
-If you will make a default this requirement of administration, we will delete you from sew on databases.
We hope on your collaboration.